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Saint John Eudes - Divine Meekness, Patience, and Clemency Mirrored in Mary’s Heart
God’s meekness, patience and clemency are three divine perfections which are joined with mercy to form one and the same perfection,...

Saint John Eudes - Divine Mercy Mirrored in Mary’s Heart
Divine Mercy is a perfection directed towards the miseries of creatures, tending to alleviate them and even to free them from created...

Saint John Eudes - Heart of Mary, Mirror of God’s Goodness and Providence
Sacred theology distinguishes in God three kinds of goodness, which are fundamentally one and the same: natural goodness, moral goodness...

Saint John Eudes - The Luminous Heart of the World’s Sovereign Lady
God did not create the natural sun, our wonderful luminary, merely to enlighten our material world; He made it also to be a...

Saint John Eudes - Mary’s Heart, the Inexhaustible Fountain
Our Lady’s most blessed Heart is the wonderful fountain that God caused to spring from the ground at the beginning of the world, as...

Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Let us state immediately and with fervor that, in one sense, the Immaculate Heart of Mary has already triumphed. In one true sense, Our...

Saint John Eudes - Mary’s Heart, the Garden of Eden
In the second and third chapters of Genesis is one of the most expressive figures drawn by the omnipotent and all-wise hand of God to...

The Mother’s Truly Admirable Heart
From The Admirable Heart of Mary by St. John Eudes Mary is truly admirable in all her perfections and in all her virtues. But what is...

Saint John Eudes: Mary’s Heart, the Sea
The Admirable Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not only a fountain, as we have seen, it is also a sea, of which the ocean created by...

Saint John Eudes - The Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Heaven of Heavens
Mary’s pure Heart is truly a heaven of which the sky over our heads is a mere shadow and image. It is a heaven exalted above all others,...

Saint John Eudes - The Spiritual Heart of Mary
The Holy Spirit is wont to describe many things with few words. Wishing to praise the principal faculties of the body and soul of His...

Saint John Eudes - Mary’s Heart, the Hill of Calvary
The following selection is taken from The Admirable Heart of Mary written by Saint John Eudes. What is Calvary? It is a mountain, the...
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