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Prayer of the Lady of All Nations Clarification

On February 11, 1951, during the local church approved apparitions of the Lady of All Nations in Amsterdam, Our Lady revealed what is now known as the “Prayer of the Lady of all Nations.” In the original form of this prayer, the clause “who once was Mary” followed the words, “May the Lady of All Nations…”. A member of the Amsterdam Chancery Office at the time requested that the phrase “who once was Mary” be removed due to its potential ambiguity. Several weeks later, The Lady of All Nations directed that the clause be returned to the prayer. The Prayer, in its original form, proceeded to receive numerous Imprimaturs from various cardinals and bishops worldwide.

In 2005, a member of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith requested that the original clause “who once was Mary” be removed due to its potential ambiguity. In 2006 in obedience to the request of the CDF, Bishop Josef M. Punt, local bishop of the Diocese of Haarlem-Amsterdam, replaced the former clause in the Prayer with the clause “the Blessed Virgin Mary.”

Spontaneously, Christian faithful began to pray the prayer by using the clause “Mary Co-redemptrix and Mediatrix” in complementarity with the request by the Lady of All Nations for the papal proclamation of the dogma of Mary Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate. In 2018, Bishop Punt approved a revised form of the prayer, which uses the clause “Mary Co-redemptrix and Mediatrix” when the prayer is used in particular association with the international movement for the proclamation of the fifth Marian Dogma.

Therefore, presently along with the standard prayer form of the Prayer of the Lady of All Nations which uses the clause “the Blessed Virgin Mary,” it is also acceptable to use the form which uses “Mary Co-redemptrix and Mediatrix” when prayed particularly in union with the international movement in support for the dogma of Mary Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate.

Standard Form

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,

send now your Spirit over the earth.

Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all Nations,

that they may be preserved from degeneration,

disasters, and war.

May the Lady of all Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be our Advocate. Amen.

Newly Approved Form

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,

send now your Spirit over the earth.

Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations,

that they may be preserved from degeneration,

disasters, and war.

May the Lady of all Nations, Mary, Co-redemptrix and Mediatrix, be our Advocate. Amen

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Mother of All Peoples is an international lay organization that seeks to spread knowledge of and devotion to the Virgin Mary, and works for the papal definition of our Lady as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate.

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Note: In obedience to the recent letter from the bishop of Haarlem-Amsterdam (December 2020), the information on this site can at this time be used for research purposes only, and not for the spreading of the reported messages of the Lady of All Nations, nor upon the assumption of the authenticity of the apparitions. Since the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith declared in June 1966 that there are no longer forbidden books, the information on this site may continue to be used for historical or research purposes.


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