Visit of Our Mother of Compassion and Love May 15, 2020
Janie: Our Lady came. She was very happy! So sweet, her smile, and she said (the following).
Our Lady: O my little children, how much joy you have brought to your heavenly Mother by coming together at my request. My little ones, you could never understand how much I love you, and how I am with you. I know, my little ones, that you are undergoing many trials, and that it is difficult for you; but understand that these are difficult times, and much prayer is needed. So, I am asking you, my little ones, to have confidence in the prayers to your heavenly Mother, for I am with you in everything. Oh, if you only knew how I am with you!
I invite you in this time of great suffering to be my ambassadors, to be my little army and walk with your Mother, praying the Rosary for everything that is happening in the world. I ask you to walk with your heavenly Mother and know that there will be victory. Share your Rosaries with people. Talk to them about the importance and the power of the Rosary and invite them to begin to pray their Rosary every day.
Today, I ask you, my angel, to start that army of praying the Rosary with your heavenly Mother for all that is happening throughout the world. Speak to people about the power of the Rosary. Those who do not know how to pray it, teach them to pray it if their hearts are open to it. If not, move on to other people. Do not be still. This is an army, and you must walk with your heavenly Mother all over the world with your prayers, praying the Rosary. The Rosary is your weapon.
Do not forget to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and to attend Holy Mass. The Holy Mass is the most powerful prayer there is; it is a healing prayer. Though there may be times when you cannot attend Holy Mass – this is why you must PRAY your Rosary.
I want you, my little ones, to be my ambassadors. Would you do that for your heavenly Mother? Would you be my little army of a Rosary Crusade and go out with your heavenly Mother? The Evil One, my Adversary, will tell you that this is not true, for he knows the power of the Rosary, and he will try, in every way possible, to keep you from saying ‘yes’ to your heavenly Mother. This is what I want from you, but remember, my little ones, that it is an invitation, a serious invitation.
Pray for one another. Remain close to one another, because you belong to me. You have given yourself to me, and I am here to take care of you. I am here to help you to convert your family through your prayers. Do not be distracted with what happens within your family that causes so much pain. Do not be paralyzed by their sinfulness, rather, move with great faith by praying your Rosary with your heavenly Mother.
I love you, my little ones; I love you. I give you a spiritual Rosary, now, to each one of you. Go out and proclaim the power of the Rosary. Teach others to pray it, and together we will have victory; we will have victory! I want the Rosary to be prayed every day. Begin in your homes, invite your family. If they do not want to, then invite others, pray with others but do not stop praying the Rosary. I love you; I love you and you are mine, and I am yours.
This message has been approved by Fr. Henry Bordeaux, OCD, spiritual director to Janie Garza.
Note: Our Lady also spoke privately to Janie and told her:
When you pray the Rosary, it helps to overcome the fear that you are experiencing in this time and it strengthens your faith.
Do not forget the 15 promises of the Rosary that are all true.
Recall my words to St. Dominic, “One day, through the Rosary and Scapular, I will save the world.” (St. Michael also spoke of this in the monthly message of May 2020.)
Do not be afraid to attend Holy Mass when you can, but trust in the powerful Presence of Our Lord.
The Fifteen Promises of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Blessed Virgin Mary promised to Saint Dominic, to Blessed Alan and to all who follow that "Whatever you ask in the Rosary will be granted." She left for all Christians Fifteen Promises to those who recite the Holy Rosary.
Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces. (Signal graces are extraordinary graces that move the soul; they are sent by God to help us make the right decisions in life. God grants signal graces when He desires not just the conversion of a soul, but a conversion that will take the soul to a whole different level of faithfulness, preparing them for the person’s new phase in life.)
I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.
The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against Hell; it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means!
The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.
Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries, shall never be conquered by misfortune. He shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life.
Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.
Those who are faithful in reciting the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in Paradise.
I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.
The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.
You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.
All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.
I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.
All who recite the Rosary are my sons and brothers of my only Son, Jesus Christ.
Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
"If you want peace in your heart, in your home, in your country, assemble together every night and say the ROSARY". (Pope St. Pius X)